


For years we’ve shined light around caves, throwing shadows against the walls. As we descended into 2020, old lines haunted virtual duets, zooming around our kitchens, dens, studios; the spaces that filled our #quarantine. Walking backwards through 2021 and into 2022, our connection morphed, a stream of consciousness, interrupted.


Act 1


We begin the only place most of us exist for most of us. A series of self portraits, scenes captured and recalled, captioned and curated.

Follow along on Instagram: @ultravulnerable

Or view here.




We continue just trying to meet everywhere they are, y'know, but get lost on the way. A retrograde through vivid daydreams in real time, layers upon layers of echoes and reflections. Be in the room with Zoom. Stream live or watch archived performances on YouTube:


1 | Sunday, May 15, 2022, 9:00pm/9:15pm/9:30pm Eastern | [archive forthcoming]

2 | Tuesday, May 17, 2022, 9:00pm/9:15pm/9:30 Eastern | YouTube

3 | Thursday, May 19, 2022, 9:00pm/9:15pm/9:30pm Eastern | YouTube


Act 3

(coming soon)





Project description & BIOS

"In UV:/ we share ourselves and we see each other. But there are so many layers between us. The isolation changes us, changes what we share and what we see…"

(read more about UV:/ and its creators)



…/switch flipped and double clicked
we're once or twice removed
some synthetic flame struck
flashing reflected shadows
into your hands
misrememories spliced
into haunted spaces…

(read the full text of UV:/)